News & Events

Zoning Meeting – September 22, 2020

September 22, 2020, 6:30 p.m. Location – Picnic Tables at Dickinson Square Park Property:  530-532 Reed Street Details:  Applicant requests one change of use and two variances in order to 1) build a two unit three-story single family homes with pilot houses – specifically to create two lots reducing lot size from required 1440 sq. ft. to 928 sq. […]

Zoning Meeting – September 16, 2020

September 16, 2020, 7 p.m. Location – Picnic Tables at Dickinson Square Park Property:  433 Pierce Street Details:  Applicant requests a change of use in order to build an additional story, with pilot house and deck, onto an existing single-family two-story house for the creation of a two-family building. Additionally, Use Variance required for the […]

DSWCA Trick-or-Treating Blocks!

Last year, on 1600 S Lawrence, DSWCA brought you the first-ever safe corridor for trick or treating in Dickinson Square West! This year, we are doing it again, but expanding your trick or treating fun to TWO safe corridors! We will be closing the following blocks to street traffic: 400 SIGEL ST. (between 4th and […]


These proposed amendments to the current bylaws will be voted upon at the October 9th, Annual Membership Meeting. In addition to grammatical and other similar edits, the amendments include (1) a modification of the boundaries of DSWCA and (2) the elimination of the requirement of publishing notices in a local newsletter. Regarding (1), residents in […]

Zoning 1305 S 5th Variance for 2nd Curb cut

DICKINSON SQUARE WEST CIVIC ASSOCIATION Important Notice Tuesday September 25, 2018, 7 p.m. Parsons Building Dickinson Square Park 1305 S. 5th Street Applicant request for variance for accessory parking accessed by proposed new curb cut in side yard because access to shared driveway, alley or rear street not available and side yard parking not allowed […]

Zoning 410 Moore st Height Variance

DICKINSON SQUARE WEST CIVIC ASSOCIATION Important Notice Tuesday September 25, 2018, 7 p.m. Parsons Building Dickinson Square Park 410 Moore Street Applicant request to variance to open area (25% to 7.6%), variance to reduce rear yard depth (5’ to 1.31’) and variance to max height of structure (38’ to 40.7’) not allowed by Code in […]