Zoning Committee meetings are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month when there are applications to be heard. Meetings are held at Dickinson Square Park in the Parson’s Building inside the middle of the park on 4th and Morris St. at 7 pm.
Applicants should request a meeting via email at zoning@dswca.org and submit the following items a minimum of fourteen (14) days before the scheduled meeting:
- Zoning Board refusal letter, with the proposal and list of requested variances
- Site Plan and/or Survey of Property, in a clear and legible format to scale
- Architectural Plans, including building elevations and floor plans in a clear and legible copy to scale
- Photos in color of the immediate structure in question and neighbors on all 4 sides
- An air photo in color and zoning map of the immediate area
- Any other supporting documentation that is directly relevant to the application
Please note:
- The Zoning Committee will not render a decision on your project at the meeting unless it has all of the required material. We will provide the ZBA with a letter outlining why no meeting has been held
- A maximum of three ZBA applications are heard at any committee meeting.
- If the application cannot be heard before the applicant’s ZBA hearing date, a continuance should be requested of the ZBA.
- If the applicant does not appear before the DSWCA Zoning Committee, a letter to the ZBA is issued recommending denial until such application is submitted to the Zoning Committee for review.
Zoning Resources
- Zoning Map
- Philadelphia Zoning Archives for older zoning issues
- Zoning Board of Adjustment appeals calendar
- Zoning Code (look at Title 14 for the zoning language)
The goal of the Dickinson Square West Zoning Committee is to provide an open conduit for Dickinson Square West residents and neighbors to hear proposed zoning applications and to provide their own thoughts, insights, and opinions on such projects. The Zoning Committee will also serve as a platform for residents to discuss the land use, zoning and planning issues presented by their neighbors.
The Zoning Committee, a committee of Dickinson Square West Civic Association, holds monthly meetings to discuss all applications for Philadelphia Zoning Board of Adjustments variances within the DSWCA established neighborhood boundaries. Variances are deviations from the city’s Zoning Code. Variances must be obtained from the Zoning Board.
- ZBA refers to DSWCA for input. Because the ZBA wants neighbors’ input on projects that require variances and whether they are suitable to the neighborhood, ZBA applicants are referred to the DSWCA Zoning Committee before being heard. The DSWCA Zoning Committee holds monthly meetings as a public forum for neighborhood input, review, discussion and recommendation of approval, approval with proposed conditions or denial. The ZBA considers the DSWCA Zoning Committee recommendations, but are not bound to adhere to them. Individual citizens also have the right to appear before the Zoning Board of Adjustment and state their own support or opposition to the cases being heard.
- Applicant Submission. DSWCA Zoning Committee meetings are generally held on the first Wednesday of each month. ZBA applicants should request via email at zoning@dswca.org to be scheduled at the next available Zoning Committee meeting. A maximum of three ZBA applications are heard at any committee meeting. If the ZBA application cannot be heard before the applicant’s ZBA hearing date, a continuance should be requested of the ZBA. If the applicant will not appear before the DSWCA Zoning Committee, a letter to the ZBA is issued recommending denial until such application is submitted to the Zoning Committee for review. The following items should be submitted in electronic format via email (to ) a minimum of fourteen (14) days before the subject Zoning Committee meeting:
- Zoning Board refusal letter, with the proposal and list of requested variances;
- Site Plan and/or Survey of Property, in a clear and legible format to scale;
- Architectural Plans, including building elevations and floor plans in a clear and legible copy to scale;
- Photos in color of the immediate structure in question;and all 4 sides front ,back ,left and right of the structure;
- An air photo in color and zoning map of the immediate area; and
- Any other supporting documentation that is directly relevant to the application.
- Neighborhood Notice. When a zoning case is sent to the DSWCA Zoning Committee, the applicant will distribute flyers to residents living within a block of the proposed project in accordance with Bill 120889, describing the proposed project, variances requested and the date, time and location of the Zoning Committee meeting. A summary of the ZBA application will be posted on the Zoning Committee agenda, which will be posted on the DSWCA website (www.dswca.org) a minimum of seven (7) days before the Zoning Committee meeting.
- Zoning Committee Meeting. At the Zoning Committee meeting, the chair will call the meeting to order and state the mission statement of the committee. Before an application is heard, Zoning Committee members must state if they have a conflict of interest, per the DSWCA conflict of interest policy. If a committee member feels that they cannot fairly hear an application, they must recuse themselves from voting on such application. After the mission statement is read, the chair will introduce the application. Then, the applicant and/or applicant’s professionals (attorney, architect, planner, engineer, etc.) will present the proposed project and answers any questions from the Zoning Committee. Once all questions have been answered of the Zoning Committee, neighbors and other meeting attendees may ask questions or provide comments. Order will be maintained by the zoning chair. The Committee requests that before individuals speak, they state whether they are a neighbor; whether they have any bias in this case; whether they are a relative of the applicant; a real estate broker related to the case; an attorney whose office represents the applicant; or any other conflict of interest.
- Vote. At the public Zoning Committee meeting, the Committee does not take a vote from the individuals present. The DSWCA Zoning Committee reviews all aspects of the proposal in context of the Zoning Code and Philadelphia Neighborhood Design Guidelines, as well as input from neighbors, and will recommend approval, approval with proposed conditions, no position or denial of the application. Majority vote rules, of the majority of eligible voting members. A tie vote will be considered undecided and conveyed to the ZBA as so. Note that this is only a recommendation to the ZBA and not the final decision of the Philadelphia Zoning Board of Adjustment. This decision should not preclude neighbors from attending the ZBA hearing.
- Decision. The DSWCA Zoning Chair will draft up a letter for review and input by other committee members. The Zoning Chair will fax and/or email the subject decision letter to the ZBA Chair, copying the applicant, PCPC planner and Council representative, within seven (7) days of the Zoning Committee meeting. A summary of the application and decision will be posted on the DSWCA website within seven (7) days of the Zoning Committee meeting. A copy of the letter will be kept on file electronically.
Zoning Committee Guidelines
The intent of these guidelines is to ensure fair community involvement from active voting members that vote on a broad range of applications, not just ones of specific interest.
- The DSWCA Zoning Committee shall consist of no more than seven (7) members.
- Once a civic association member attends two (2) out of three (3) meetings, they are eligible to petition the Zoning Committee for membership.
- An application is approved by majority vote of the present Zoning Committee members.
- Zoning Committee members cannot miss more than two (2) meetings per year.
- There shall be a Chair (or Co-Chairs) of the Committee, nominated and determined by the Committee.
- The Committee members shall serve staggered, two year terms.
- There is no limit as to the number of terms one can serve.
- No Board of director member allowed on the Zoning Committee.
- Committee members must review the applications in advance of the public meeting.