MT SINAI 400 Reed Street as of 7/15/15

MT SINAI    as of 7/15/15

400 Reed Street (400 Reed) is the new, legal name of the proposed developer of the Mt Sinai property.  The project must proceed to the Civic Design Review Committee (CDR) of the Philadelphia City Planning Commission (PCPC) for advisory design comments.  The CDR Committee hearing date is Wednesday, August 4th.

Although 400 Reed will be encouraged to accept the results of design review and incorporate them into the design, neither L&I nor the Commission is required to abide by the recommendations of CDR.

Prior to CDR, however, 400 Reed will meet with our Zoning Committee this Tuesday, July 21st, 8 PM, Mt Moriah (410 Wharton).  The meeting is open to the public , and at that time the Committee will  discuss the applicant’s proposal.  It is anticipated that 400 Reed will make a presentation, the Committee will then ask questions of the applicant, and thereafter the floor will be opened to questions and comments from anyone attending.  After the meeting, the Committee will prepare and send to CDR a summary of the discussion and any recommendations for changes to the proposed plan.  The Concordia Group (now 400 Reed) has previously stated that it would consider incorporating any reasonable suggestions made by our Zoning Committee.

All interested members and residents and friends are welcomed.  Please note that the subject of the meeting is the development of the Mt Sinai property only, and questions and comments will be directed specifically to that project.

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Letter to Applicant-400 Reed St

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400 Reed St – MAIN Z01 – ZONING PLAN (1)

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RPLD 400 Reed Conceptual Landscape Plan

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2 1a 1 Mt Sinai zoning notice 7-21-15 001