BOARD COMMUNITY MEETING – Tuesday March 18, 2014


Tuesday March 18, 2014, 7:00 PM

Mt. Moriah (410 Wharton)




1.  7:03 PM Call to Order.

2.  7:05 PM President’s Welcome & Message. President Ted Savage welcomes everyone and explains that we will rush through a few business items because we only have Three(3) Board Members present. Ted tells everyone present to make sure they get a seat where they can see the Presentation screen.

3.  7:10 PM Roll Call. Introduction of Officers and Directors. Present at this meeting was Ted Savage(President), Chris Brick (Treasurer), Joe Lavini(Secretary). Ted noted that two Board Members were sick.

4.  7:10 PM Approval of Minutes.  Since a quorum of the Board was not present, approval of the Minutes will be postponed, until the next Community Board Meeting.

5.  7:10 PM Reports.

A. Finance Committee.   Treasurer Chris Brick noted a light month .He mentioned that all Board Members signed a Conflict of Interest Policy form and that the Board will be discussing the New Budget at the April Board Meeting. Chris noted that we are officially a 501(c)3 organization and we will be looking into getting  grants for our Civic. Ted explained the importance of DSWC being a true non-profit with the IRS. With this designation we can accept donations and file for Non-Profit Grants. We received this designation approximately one month ago.

B.   Zoning Committee.  Lynn Wescott let everyone know that the next Zoning Committee  meeting  will be on Tues. March 25th, @ 6:30 @ Parsons Bldg. in Dickinson Square Park Ted spoke about several members who went, including himself, who attended the Zoning Board of Adjustment hearing on March 5th in MSB Building. Everyone arrived @ 2:00 PM, they finally heard the applicant @ 6PM and didn’t finish until 9PM.The Board approved Variances and incorporated new site plans that were submitted on March 6th, one day after the hearing. Ted said at this time we do not know what variances have been approved and Ted  voiced his main concern which was that there was no language concerning the Main Building. Two neighbors will be Liaisons between the Civic, neighbors and the Developers. Ted stated that he will ask for new site plans and he will keep everyone updated by email. Ted let everyone present know that the paperwork needed to be on our email list was available at the front table by the entrance.

C.     By-Laws Committee. No new business.

D.    Safety Committee. Gina Caruso handed out Crime Bulletins which noted crime activity in 3 #rd District for the past 7 days. She also handed out flyers for the Phila. Police Department’s PINK CUFFS . The Walk/Run takes place on Sunday May 11th @ Art Museum @ 7AM. Gina also noted that “Give Kids Sight Day” is Saturday April 12th, from 8:30am to 2:00pm @Wills Eye Hospital. Children 18 years and younger are all welcomed for free eye exam. National Night Out is Tues. Aug.5th ,2014 with a Kick Off Rally on Monday Aug. 4th,@ Sachs Park. Gina noted Last year’s event was a complete success.

6.     7:15 PM            Old Business.  Civic has new 501(c)3 status. Announced Vacancy on Board of Directors and Ted will e-mail members with Process to Apply. Members may also contact Board Members for  info on Applying . A vote will probably be scheduled for the Drafting of New By-Laws during our May meeting. When the vote is scheduled every resident will be able to vote as long as they live between Washington Ave. and Mifflin Streets and 4th and  6th Streets.

7.       7 :20PM     New Business. All Board  Members, Finance and Zoning Board Members must sign a Conflict of Interest Policy Form annually.

 8.     7 :25PM        Guest Speaker. Aaron Slater, Program Manager for Energy Coordinating Agency assists City of Phila. with their Rain Barrel Program. You must be a homeowner or renter who attends one of these Workshop in order to be part of the Program.  A short video was presented showing the criteria, material needed, and process of the Rain Barrel Program.  It also showed the Water Department’s sewage system noting that the first inch of rain water is the most important to capture because of pollutants.  This water is not to be used as drinking water.  Aaron explained the installation of Rain Barrel and all it’s accessories.  He noted winterizing of the barrel.  Barrels are recycled and installation takes about 15 to 20 minutes. He answered many questions and many members signed up for installations.

9.     8:10PM       Announcements. Monthly Food and Clothing Drive. “Good Samaritan Cupboard” @ Mount Moriah  on Saturday, March 22nd  Can use both old and new clothing.  Zoning Committee Mtg, March 26th, 630pm @ Parsons Bldg.  Philly Spring Clean-up, Saturday, April 12h 10:00am till 2:00pm.  Volunteer Mtg, Tuesday, April 1st, 7:00pm @ Mount Moriah.  Finance Committee Mtg, Monday April  7th.  Community Board Mtg, April 15th,  7:00pm @ Mount Moriah.