October 15, 2013 General Membership meeting minutes
1. 7:03 PM Call to Order.
2. 7:05 PM President’s Welcome & Message. Newly elected President, Ted Savage, introduced himself and all the Newly Elected Board members. He explained all the work and effort that the past and present Board and Committee members put into laying the Foundation for DSWCA .Ted’s primary goal for this year is to increase our Civics Membership. Ted noted that many residents do not have Internet and/or e-mail access. He wants to establish Block Captain’s (CITY) and Block Contacts (OUR CIVIC) on every block in our civic boundaries. These volunteers would deliver Fliers and Newsletters (a future project) door to door in our civic. Also, During next year’s Spring Clean-Up, Ted would like to request from our City numerous amounts of Brooms, gloves, bags etc. so that we can use these materials for multiple Neighborhood Clean-Ups that we hope to coordinate during the Spring and Summer. Ted added two new features to our Membership meetings. The first is referred to as Correspondence whereas members who have issues and can not attend a meeting would now be able to drop the Board a letter at our P.O. Box and we will try to answer or resolve the issue. Secondly, once the new bylaws are approved and we are a Membership Organization, any member can make a motion at the END of our meetings and we will discuss.
3. 7:10 PM Roll Call. Introduction of Officers and Directors.
4. 7:10 PM Approval of Minutes. Approval of October 15, Board minutes. Motion to approve was made; seconded; and all Board members approved.
5. 7:10 PM Reports.
A. Directors.
B. Treasurer. $1,444.44 is the balance in the account with no outstanding obligations.
C. Finance Committee. No announcements.
D. Green & Clean Committee. The President explained that Tree Philly will be sending out letters from the City and our Civic in near future. May need volunteers to see if letters arrived. Hopefully, Tree planting along 5th Street will begin in Spring 2014.
E. Outreach Committee. No announcements.
F. Safety Committee. Gina Caruso handed out Monthly Crime Report and introduced Karen a neighbor who spoke about personal BULLYING issues involving her son. She hopes that our Civic and it’s members understand the seriousness of this problem. she wants this issue to be a part of our Safety and Youth committees. Someone also spoke about Safe Corridor Program where members can volunteer time to watch children going to school and make sure everyone one is safe.
H. Zoning Committee. It was announced that at least 3 applications would be heard at the October 22nd meeting.
6. 7:30 PM Old Business. The Board agreed to continue to use the South Philly Review and our current Banking establishment. The President explained the current Vacancies at both the Director and Treasury Positions and the necessary Paperwork to apply. He and Vice-President Anne Armistead explained the By-law issues still pending and that the Bylaws will be reviewed by an Attorney in the near future. There was a motion to approve Monies allowed to pay Attorney, seconded and Approved by Board.
7. 7:40 PM New Business. Vice-President Anne Armistead let the Membership know that she had literature available on the Affordable Health Care Act and the future Reduction in Food Stamp distribution.
8. 8.10 PM Announcements & Events.
Community Board Meeting, Tuesday, Nov.19, 7pm @ Mt. Moriah
9. 8:15 PM Adjournment.