September General Membership Meeting
September General Membership Meeting
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
7pm – 8pm
Mount Moriah Church (410 Wharton Street)
Catch up with what we’ve been doing with our 2012-13 Annual Report
Below are minutes from the June General Membership Meeting:
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Mt. Moriah Church (410 Wharton)
1. 7:20 PM Call to Order.
2. 7:20 PM President’s Welcome & Message. While members were having their required identification items were being reviewed by several Directors, the President announced that the main item on the Agenda is the Amendment to our Articles of Incorporation. He then briefly explained the proposed changes and that the vote would be by a show of hands.
3. 7:25 PM Roll Call. Present were:
President Wiesner Secretary Savage
Director Armistead Director Lavini
Director Leonardo Director Winkel
5. 7:25 PM Adoption by the Board of the Resolution to Submit the Proposed Amended and Restated Articles of Incorporation to the Members for Approval. The Secretary moved the motion (attached hereto and made a part hereof); Director Leonardo, seconded; and all Board members present approved.
6. 7:27 PM Adoption by the Members, eligible to vote and present, of the Resolution to Amend and Restate the Articles of Incorporation. The President asked, if anyone present had any questions about the issues. The President then read the Resolution of the Members (attached hereto and made a part hereof). Members, eligible to vote and present, approved said resolution unanimously.
7. 7:35 PM Minutes Adoption. The President asked for a motion to approve the Minutes of the May 21, 2013, Board Meeting. Director Lavini so moved; Director Leonardo seconded; and all present approved.
8. 7:40 PM Reports of Officers, Directors & Standing Committees.
A. Finance Committee. In the absence of the Treasurer, Director Armistead reported the balance in the civic account is $6,233.83. The Secretary reminded all that the Treasurer has requested that all requests for reimbursement must be submitted to her by June 30th. The President asked that anyone interested in participating on the Finance Committee should email
B. Green & Clean Committee. The Secretary reported that several members completed an inventory of properties from Reed to Snyder, which could have trees, has been completed and that 133 properties have been identified as candidates for trees. Erica Smith, TreePhilly has sent notices to “owner” at the addresses identified. Unfortunately, time constraints prevented her office from specifically naming the owners. We have agreed to let this issue “slide” for the Fall, 2013, planting, but we are working, using the OPA site to gather the actual names of the property owners, and that list will be submitted to Erica’s office for use in the Spring, 2014, planting, the letters for which will be mailed in October or November. The President noted the graffiti on the new home being constructed at the corner of 5th and Greenwich, and asked all to use the 311 app to identify problems in the neighborhood. Director Leonardo asked, if this wall would be appropriate for a mural, and the Secretary responded that it might be, since the adjoining lot is owned by the City, but we would have to wait, until the house is sold, in order to approach the new owner.
C. Outreach Committee. Director Leonardo reported that the welcome packet design is progressing and the President and several members discussed suggestion for its use and the inclusion of “promotions” for businesses. He also reminded all present that next Wednesday will be our second Neighbors’ Night at Industry, Moyamensing and Reed, 7 PM. Everyone is welcomed.
D. Safety Committee. Gina Caruso updated the residents on National Night Out, specifically, the Kickoff Event, which will be held at Sacks Park on Monday, August 5th. The President updated all on the status of 1512 South 5th, which has been condemned by L&I, and which has been burglarized twice. Channel 10 News will be doing a piece on the issue, and the Secretary thanked the President for finding on Angie’s List a structural engineer, who, in turn, recommended an attorney, who is moving forward with litigation. The President also reported on a number of auto accidents at the corner of Greenwich and 4th and that he has reached out to Pennsport to try to work out a preventive measures and that the coffee shop is considering ideas.
E. Youth Committee. The President reported some details about a Karate school on 7th and Oregon, and they have offered to give our civic a deal, if we can match donors with children. He asked that, if anyone has ideas for similar programs to occupy the children for the summer months to contact him The Secretary speculated that several members are waiting for the turnover from Vare to Washington Schools occurs before initiating new programs.
F. Zoning Committee. Director Armistead reported that the next meeting of the Committee will be on the 25th, Parsons Building, 6:30 PM. 505-09 Dickinson and 540 Watkins variance requests will be on the agenda.
9. 8:05 PM Old Business.
Bylaws Revision. The President reported that the Board hopes to present to the membership for approval the proposed Bylaws at a special meeting in August, but before doing so, we need to file for non-profit status with the IRS and obtain Directors & Officers Insurance. Although the proposed Bylaws are nearly completed, anyone interested should email
10. 8:10 PM New Business.
Elections. The President announced that all Officer and Director positions are open for elections. Under the current Bylaws, the election would be at the end of September, but under the proposed Bylaws, the election would be in October. He encouraged anyone interested in serving should consider becoming a candidate. He then briefly summarized the requirements, all of which would posted on our website and perhaps sent by email. Director Armistead stated that our attorney would also have to review the proposed Bylaws. The Secretary emphasized, however, that the deadline for submission of Letters of Intent is August 31st. He said that, even if the new Bylaws are approved, we should zero in on the August 31st deadline. In that way, candidates would have the opportunity to speak at the September Board Community Meeting. At this time, the election will be on Friday, September 20th.
11. 8:20 PM Announcements.
Zoning Committee: Tuesday, June 25th, 6:30 PM, Parsons Building
Neighbors’ Night – Summer Edition: Wednesday, June 26th, 7 PM, Industry
National Night Out Kickoff: Monday, August 5th, Sacks Playground