January 2013 Minutes
Monday, January 15, 2012
Mt. Moriah (410 Wharton)
1. 7:08 PM Call to Order. After a round of informal introductions of everyone, the President called the meeting to order.
2. 7:08 PM President’s Welcome & Message. The President welcomed all residents who were in attendance. He announced the appointment of Vincent Leonardo as a new board member. He explained the recent open call for a 9th Board member and the need since the initial election of eight current board members.
3. 7:10 PM Roll Call. Present were:
President Wiesner
Director Armistead
Vice-President Hicks
Director Lavini
Treasurer Hostettler
Director Winkel
In the absence of the Secretary, the Treasurer volunteered to take minutes of the meeting.
4. 7:15 PM Minutes Adoption. The President asked for a motion to approve the Minutes of the December 17, 2012 Board Meeting. Director Winkel so moved; the Vice-President seconded; and all present so approved.
5. 7:15 PM Reports of Officers, Board Members & Standing Committees.
A. Finance Committee. The Treasurer reported that the DNCA account has a balance of $9,503.78. She briefly described the Finance Committee and current projects of the 501(c)3 application, D&O insurance and Golden Rule Grant. She asked for a volunteer to help assist with investigating getting trash pick up, similar to what PSCA currently has.
B. Bylaws Committee. The President reported that the Committee has reviewed the bylaws of neighboring civics, identified issues to be addressed and is wrapping up a draft of proposed bylaws. The proposed bylaws will be voted on at the General Membership meeting in February for consideration and a vote. The bylaws will be open to public comment before the vote in February. The vote will be to adopt or reject the bylaws in whole. Residency will be verified during the voting process.
C. Other Committee updates. The Vice-President reported that the Outreach Committee will be wrapping up production of the doorhangers, pending the outcome of the name vote this evening. Gina Caruso announced she attended the Emergency Preparedness outreach meeting at the Holiday Inn near the stadiums. She asked that more residents attend when they have outreach meetings like this. More information can be found at www.phila.gov/ready. Ms. Caruso also announced that Captain Ryan of the 3rd & 4th District holds a listening session the second Tuesday of every month, between 7pm and 8pm at the Police Station of 11th & Wharton. Anyone is welcome to attend to discuss any issues. The President welcomed everyone to attend the Unified Committees Meeting to discuss this project and more.
6. 7:25 PM Old Business.
A. Office Space. The President reiterated that the Board is seeking office space to store records, to house our printer and other equipment and possibly use as a meeting space. The civic association can afford about $300/month. There are currently two potentials: the South Philly Office Co-op and Pennsport facilities. He asked that anyone with ideas contact him.
B. Name Change Vote. The President presented some background of the name change. As new bylaws are being drafted, this provides an opportunity to look at a name change. As there was minimal community input with the previous name, this vote allows for a public decision of name, even if it remains the same. He went through some of the pros and cons of the various names: Dickinson Square West won the previous informal poll in December and pointed out that Washington Square West is named after a park not within the boundaries. Dickinson Narrows Civic Association has some notoriety, but also some past negative history. He asked for public comment. Marci Maldonado presented the origins of the name and the hard work into establishing the organization. The President explained the voting process, names will be checked to see if they’re a member. Any resident can sign up as a member before voting. Votes were counted, Dickinson Narrows Civic Association had 13 votes, Dickinson Square West had 16 votes. Our civic association will be renamed Dickinson Square West.
7. 7:50 PM Announcements & Events.
Combined Committee Meeting: Tuesday, February 5th @ 7pm, Mt. Moriah
Finance Committee Meeting: Monday, February 11th @ 7:30pm
February Board/Community Meeting: Tuesday, February 19TH @ 7 PM, Mt. Moriah
SAVE the DATE: Philly Spring Clean Up: Saturday, April 13th
8. 8:00 PM Adjournment.
The president thanked everyone for attending, particularly some of the previous board members for their hard work.
Respectfully submitted:
Nicole Hostettler, Treasurer