December 2012 Minutes
Monday, December 17, 2012
Mt. Moriah (410 Wharton)
MINUTES – Proposed: To be approved on 1/15/13
1. 7:05 PM Call to Order.
2. 7:05 PM President’s Welcome & Message. The President welcomed all residents who were in attendance, announced that, beginning in January, the Board/Community meetings would be held on the third Tuesday of each month, and committee meetings, with the exception of the Finance Committee, would be held on the first Tuesday of each month. He then asked the Officers and Directors to introduce themselves. He also announced that the Agenda for this meeting was “light”, so that everyone could enjoy each other’s company over pizza and “goodies”.
3. 7:10 PM Roll Call. Present were:
- President Wiesner
- Secretary Savage
- Vice-President Hicks
- Director Lavini
- Treasurer Hostettler
- Director Winkel
4. 7:10 PM Minutes Adoption. The President asked for a motion to approve the Minutes of the November 19, 2012 Board Meeting. The Vice-President so moved; the Treasurer seconded; and all present so approved.
5. 7:10 PM Reports of Officers, Board Members & Standing Committees.
A. Bylaws. The President reported that the Committee has identified provisions that are unclear or with which there are disagreements. Bylaws of neighboring civics are being examined. It is the intention of the Committee to report to the Board in January with a list of issues to be resolved. Thereafter, a draft of the new Bylaws will be approved by the Board for submission to the General Membership for consideration and then a vote. He noted that timing is important, since new Bylaws must be part of our 501(c) 3 application to the IRS for non-profit status.
B. Finance Committee. The Treasurer reported that the DNCA account has a balance of $9,503.78, with a few routine expenses yet to be paid. She stated that she and the Committee will be preparing an annual report, which should be ready for the January meeting. She reminded all present that we do have money for Committee expenditures and urge all with ideas to contact her or the Committee Chairs.
C. Outreach Committee. The Vice-President reported that the Committee continues to discuss the design and distribution of door-hangers for January meeting of the Board, improving our website, considering ideas for a welcome package for new neighbors, and social events in February and thereafter. He asked anyone with pictures of our neighborhood, of events, of residents, etc. please to give them to the Committee for use in future fliers, on the website, etc.
6. 7:25 PM Old Business.
A. Civic Association Name. The President explained that many residents have suggested that our civic change its name. If we were to do so, that change should be in the new Bylaws. He noted that on the reverse side of the Agenda is a listing of most of the suggested names and asked all present to take a few moments to take an informal vote for the name(s) they prefer.
B. Office Space. The President reiterated that the Board is seeking office space to store records, to house our printer and other equipment, and, hopefully, to be used for Board and Committee meetings, and that several Board members are pursuing possible locations. He asked that anyone with ideas contact him. The President noted again that included in the budget submitted with the application for the Golden Rule grant was money for such purposes, and that, in order to enhance our prospects for receiving another grant next year, it would be very important for us to have demonstrated the use of the grant monies as projected.
7. 7:35 PM Announcements & Events.
- Next Board/Community Meeting, Tuesday, January 15th, 7 PM, Mt. Moriah
- Finance Committee: 2nd Monday, January 14th, 7:30 PM, Treasurer’s home.
- Unified Committee Meeting: 1st Tuesday, February 6th, 7 PM, Mt. Moriah
- Zoning Committee: 4th Tuesday, January 22nd (if needed), 6:30 PM, Parsons Bldg.
- TreeCycling: Saturday, January 5th, 10 am – 4pm, Columbus Square (12th & Reed)
8. 7:40 PM Adjournment. Pizza, music, social.