DNCA November Committees
Join us at one of our committee meetings this month! Come make a difference…
DNCA Zoning Committee
Wednesday, November 7th @ 6:30pm
Parsons Building (Dickinson Square Park)
4th & Morris
We’ll be hearing one case, 443 Cross Street, for a proposed construction of a two-story rear addition as part of a single family home requesting a 25% open space variance, where a minimum 30% is required for interior lots in a RSA-5 (formerly R10-A) zone. Questions? email zoning@dickinsonsquarewest.org
Ever wonder what that vacant lot could be? Shake your head at the trash sometimes? Then we should talk!
DNCA Clean & Green Committee
Wednesday, November 7th @ 7:30pm
Parsons Building (Dickinson Square Park)
4th & Morris
Questions? email green@dickinsonsquarewest.org
Got a knack for press releases? Ideas for social media campaigns? We could use your help! Help get the word out about DNCA events and initiatives! Current projects include putting together a welcome packet for new neighbors, designing a door hanger with DNCA info & more!
DNCA Outreach Committee
Thursday, October 8th @ 7pm
515 Reed Street
Questions? email outreach@dickinsonsquarewest.org
Do you work in a finance-related field? Know something about non-profit administration? You’d make a great finance committee member!
DNCA Finance Committee
Monday, November 12th @ 7:30pm
Location TBD (email for details)
Questions? email finance@dickinsonsquarewest.org