Join the DNCA Board!
DNCA has 8 Board members, where bylaws allow 9 positions. Therefore, we are calling for interested residents to submit letters of intent. All applicants will be subject to the current DNCA bylaws that the existing board members were elected under, which are available for review here.
- Provide a signed letter of intent with the candidate’s name, address of residence, telephone number, email address and verification of residency. The verification of residency includes all of the following, which must show the same residence within the boundaries of Dickinson Narrows Civic Association:
- A copy of a current voter’s registration card or can find it online, and
- A copy of a current driver’s license or non-driver’s state identification, and
- A copy of the face page of your redacted U.S. tax return for the year 2011, and
- A current criminal background check (under our current bylaws, a person with a felony conviction shall not be eligible to be a candidate for a DNCA office)
- Mail your letter of intent with residency verification documents to the DNCA mailbox at the following address: Dickinson Narrows Civic Association,℅ Board Member Candidate,P.O. Box 63891,Philadelphia, PA 19147. All submissions must be postmarked no later than Monday, December 3, 2012.
- Candidates will meet with the President and some Board members between December 4, 2012 and Monday, January 14, 2013.
- The new board member will be announced at the January General Membership meeting on Tuesday, January 15, 2013.
- In accordance with Article 5.10 of the current DNCA bylaws, the President will appoint the Board member with approval of the rest of the board members.