June 2012 Minutes
After the jump, the minutes from our June General Membership meeting:
Monday, June 18, 2012
Mt. Moriah (410 Wharton)
1. 7:00 PM Call to Order.
2. 7:00 PM Welcome and Message from the President.
The President welcomed all residents who were in attendance and asked them to sign in at the door, if they had already completed a membership form. If not, he requested that they complete that form at the front door. He reminded everyone that, pursuant to the current By-Laws there would be no public DNCA meetings in July or August. The next public Board meeting will be on Monday, September 17th, 7:00 PM, at Mt. Moriah, unless amended in the bylaws.
He then lauded the activities of the Board and the Association, since October 2011:
- a website was created to
- list community resources,
- publish Minutes of Board meetings,
- list the coalitions to which the Association now belongs (CDAG – monthly, CSPCAA – South Philly civics – quarterly, Tax Fairness Coalition, etc.),
- email sign-up form,
- etc.;
- the formation of 8 standing committees, which include
- Bylaws Committee: consider appropriate amendments,
- Finance Committee: monitor finances and our non-profit status,
- Green & Clean Committee: inventory gardens and vacant land,
- OutreachCommittee:
- update the website,
- our Facebook page,
- Twitter,
- recruit Block Contacts,
- prepare flyers and
- update information for the South Philly Review, and
- to develop relations with various ethnic, religious and cultural groups in our neighborhood,
- SafetyCommittee:
- address personal/home/auto safety issues and
- coordinate with law enforcement agencies,
- Zoning Committee: hear variance applications and report to the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
- In the future, DNCA would like to form
- Senior Committee: to address needs of our seniors
- Youth Committee: to address recreation and other needs of our youth
3. 7:10 PM Roll Call. Present were:
- President Wiesner
- Director Armistead
- Vice-President Hicks
- Director Lavini
- Treasurer Hostettler
- Director McCabe
- Secretary Savage
- Director Winkel
4. 7:10 PM Minutes Approval. The President asked for a motion to approve the Minutes of the March 19, 2012, and April 16, 2012, Meetings. Secretary Savage so moved and Vice-President seconded. All present so approved.
5. 7:15 PM Reports of Officers, Board Members & Standing Committees.
- Finance Committee. The Treasurer reported that the Association bank account still has a balance of $90.00 with some expenses pending payment and that a “Neighbors Night” fundraiser in late summer is being planned. She also solicited assistance in preparing and filing the application for 501(3) c status.
- Green & Clean Committee. Co-Chair Bashore discussed the progress in preparing a “Green Map” of our neighborhood, which should be ready within the next few months, and which will identify vacant lots, green spaces and gardens. She reported that there will be a Moore Street Garden clean-up on July 15th.
- Outreach Committee. Chair Guha-Roy reported that the Committee will meet during the summer months. Among the issues to be addressed include, in preparation for the National and State elections in November, educating members of the new Voter ID Law and assisting in their getting the required IDs. She also solicited photographs of our neighborhood to post on our website.
- Safety Committee. Gina Caruso, the new Co-Chair, reported that the Committee has had “round table discussions” of various safety issues and how to resolve them.
- Zoning Committee. Chair Sable reported that the Committee currently has no pending applications. The City’s new zoning code will take effect on August 22, 2012
6. 7:25 PM Old Business. None.
7. 7:25 PM New Business. The President announced the formation of a By-Laws Committee to study the current By-Laws and make recommendations to the Board and General Membership for any amendments, corrections, etc. He asked that any member interested in serving on this Committee should contact him.
8. 7:25 PM Guest Speaker. Dianne Mayer, Communications Director, Central Delaware Advisory Group (CDAG), gave an informative slide presentation that highlighted the history, current projects, and future plans for the Delaware waterfront. Since the 1950s, discussions among state and municipal agencies and private groups and coalitions have been ongoing to improve conditions along the waterfront. The Delaware River Waterfront Corporation was formed in 2006-2007, and since then CDAG was formed combining the efforts of 15 waterfront groups. The goal continues to be developing a network of public spaces, walkable networks, diverse land uses, balanced transition spaces, and strong wetlands applications. Each project is designed to be implemented in discrete increments. The ultimate goal is to make the Delaware waterfront truly a Philly Waterfront. She cited and showed slides of completed projects, projects under construction, and designs for future development. After her presentation, she welcomed questions from those in attendance, several of which were about funding this ambitious undertaking. She responded that a combination of governmental agencies and private foundations were and will continue to be involved.
9. 7:45 PM Announcements & Events.
Next DNCA MEETING will be Monday, September 17th, 7:00 PM., Mt. Moriah (unless changed).
The President announced that although there would be no public DNCA meetings in July and August, he urged members to check our website, regarding meetings of the standing Committees during those months.
Jefferson Square Park Kidz Nite, every Wednesday, 6 PM.
Jefferson Square Park movie “Hugo”, Wednesday, June 20, 8:30 PM
Dickinson Square Farmers’ Market, every Sunday, 10AM – 2PM.
Gold Star Park Music in the Park concert, Trinidelphia steel drum band, Thursday, July 12, 7PM
10. 7:50 PM Adjournment. S O C I A L
Respectfully submitted:
Ted Savage, Secretary