Zoning Decision: 1729 S. 5th Street
The DNCA Zoning Committee feels the requested variances are di minimis and do not impair the zoning code, particularly the proposed zoning code. After hearing the presentation on the proposed construction on the property, the Zoning Committee recommends the Philadelphia Zoning Board of Adjustment approve the proposed application. Furthermore, the Zoning Committee recommends and has strongly encouraged the applicant to integrate the following comments and site improvements into their infill development:
- Install a street tree along the storefront on 5th Street, to offset the requested open space variance and provide improved stormwater on site.
- Utilize green building practices, including a white roof, to mitigate solar heat island and save on energy costs.
- Enhance the proposed design, utilizing aspects of the Neighborhood Design Guidelines (Philadelphia City Planning Commission), blending more with the nature of the surrounding structures. Larger windows on the first floor, a porch light the outside of the entrance door(s) and similar features will create ‘eyes on the street’ and safer conditions.