November 17 minutes – Green Committee
To join the Green Committee – or simply send us a message – email
Held at Parson’s building on Thursday, 11/17 at 7:30pm
Next Green Committee Meeting will be held at Parson’s Building on Wednesday, 12/7 at 7:30pm
Potential Responsibilities/Action items:
- Help support and develop Community Gardens
- Help drive volunteers, help them expand, help get word out, etc.
- Determine a liaison who will receive emails on behalf of the committee
- Needs to be very responsive; able to take the lead, communicate back to the Board of Directors; Present committee updates at the general meetings
- Determine a person to take notes at the committee meetings, maintain documents, etc.
- Establish goals and/or a mission statement for the committee
- Create a Neighborhood Map to locate Gardens; parks; etc.
- Idea was mentioned about check boxes on the DNCA site to filter content (Parks, gardens, block contacts, vacant blocks, trees(?), etc.
- Could overlap and work with Outreach to include other info such as churches, businesses, etc.
- Create a Green Phone book
- Park Contacts
- Green Organization Leaders (Tree Tenders for example)
- City Organizations (SWEEP for example)
- Recycling
- Send new residents welcome packages (might be a function of Outreach)
- Comprise a list of ways to clean up the litter
- Organize street cleanups on regular basis to pick up trash and promote a cleaner neighborhood through messaging during the cleanup
- Correct ways to bundle trash
- Littering penalties
- Trash pick up
- Check with neighboring Civics to see what they do and what we could consider
- Street Cleaning Services
- Look into Community volunteers, individuals looking to work off Community Service Hours, etc.
- Consider asking the city/Street Department to add trash cans as long as they are maintained through
- Email/Communicate reminder to General Members on trash pick-up days after holidays
- Email/Communicate to neighborhood recycling info
- What you should be recycling
- Where to get recycling bins
- Organize street cleanups on regular basis to pick up trash and promote a cleaner neighborhood through messaging during the cleanup
- Look into Littering signs for blocks that would welcome it
- Get neighborhood feedback and help ensure the trash trucks are not leaking and workers are not spilling trash during pick-ups
- Get neighborhood feedback on loading areas, short dumping locations, dumpster laws
- Find ways to protect the our storm sewers /grates so people do not drop litter in them