Monthly Minutes, May 21, 2013

Dickinson Square West Civic Association

Serving the Neighborhood from 4th to 6th Streets, Washington to Mifflin |


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Mt. Sinai Apartments (430 Reed)


1.   7:10 PM Call to Order.

2.   7:10 PM President’s Welcome & Message.  The Vice-President welcomed all and asked everyone to introduce themselves.

3.   7:15 PM      Roll Call.  Present were:

President Wiesner Secretary Savage Director Winkel

Vice-President Hicks Director Armistead

Treasurer Hostettler Director Leonardo

4. 7:15 PM  Minutes Adoption.  The President asked for a motion to approve the Minutes of the April 16, 2013, Board Meeting.  Director Leonardo so moved; Secretary Savage seconded; and all present approved.

5.   7:20 PM  Reports of Officers, Board Members & Standing Committees.

A. Finance Committee.  The Treasurer reported the balance in the civic account is $7,637.33, which includes the payment of $467.88 for the door hangers and a $1,500 retainer to our attorney to begin filing for our tax exempt status.  She stated that all receipts for payment are due by the end of June.  The Vice-President summarized our status with filing for additional grant monies from the Golden Rule Foundation, which application will be postponed, until we are granted non-profit status from the IRS, and until a formal budget is adopted for 2013-2014.

B. Green & Clean Committee.  The Secretary reported that an inventory of properties from Reed to Snyder, which could have trees, has been completed and forwarded to Erica Smith, TreePhilly.  133 trees have been recommended, and Erica will send by June 1st letters to property owners requesting permission to plant a tree.

C. Outreach Committee.  The Vice-President reported that the door hangers have been distributed, and we could use them again as we please. The President expressed his hope that we could rely more heavily upon Block Captains and Block Contacts for distribution.  The Vice-President also said that we would review the suggestions for a logo after the meeting.  He also discussed another fund-raiser/friendship, similar to the one held last October.  The President said that we are trying to get the new neighbor welcome packet completed by September.

D. Safety Committee.  Gina Caruso updated the residents on National Night Out, which will be on Tuesday, August 6th.  The Kickoff Event will be held at Sacks Park on Monday, August 5th.  Several members suggested that we set up a table at the Kickoff for people to sign up as members, learn more about Operation SafeCam program, etc.  The Treasurer expressed her belief that our participation is an important opportunity for our civic.

E.  Youth Committee. The Treasurer reported that several members are waiting for the turnover from Vare to Washington Schools occurs before trying to try new programs.

F. Zoning Committee.  The Treasurer, who is also a Co-Chair of the Committee, reported that there were several zoning related meetings scheduled for June.  The President reported that he attended a meeting to discuss the area south of Mifflin and west of 4th to about 8th.  He said that Councilman Squilla has urged that, if the area does not organize its own RCO or civic to address zoning issues, another civic should step in.  There will be a meeting the first Tuesday in June to discuss the matter further.  The deadline for filing of a new RCO is the end of June, and the next deadline is the end of December.  The President also reported the details of the situation at 1512 South 5th, including the good news that neighbors and members have donated food, clothing, gift cards, etc. to assist the displaced families.  He also acknowledged the the family has sent a thank you note to him.


6.  7:35 PM  Old Business.

A. Bylaws Revision.  The Secretary reported that the Committee resolved the two remaining issues and that the Bylaws are now ready to be voted upon.

B. Office Space.  The President reported that the two leads we had are no longer available, but that the Board will continue to seek office space.

C. Director Vacancy.  The Vice-President stated that under the current Bylaws an election would be held in September and that all Director positions will be open.  The Officers must have served on the Board.


D.   South Philly High School.  Director Winkel reported that South Philly High is trying to raise funds, in partnership with Lower Moyamensing Civic Association, for a garden educator and promoting the Greening Initiative, including green roofs.  The goals include storm water management, encouraging the students to engage in the community, and to provide students with outdoor education programs.  The first phase has been funded, but additional funds are needed.  The project continues through June 8th.


9.  8:00 PM  Announcements & Events.

  • Combined Committees Meeting: Tuesday, June 4th, 7 PM, Mt. Moriah

  • Next DSWCA Board Community Meeting, Tuesday, June 18, 7 PM, Mt. Moriah


10.  8:10 PM  Adjournment, Social, and review of and polling for logos.


Respectfully submitted:

Ted Savage, Secretary